Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Getting down to bussiness.

So for the longest time i thought a blog was a waist of space for the Internet but the older i get the more and more i like to read some of the funny shit people post up. well i don't know about funny shit here i know about what i like and if you find it funny more power to ya. mostly i want to use this to promote my bike building company i am starting. me and my buddy came up with the idea of black label motorcycles about a year ago when we got our first street bikes. i and him have never been big on stock. stock is boring, lame and stupid! why have something stock? why not have a bad ass ride you can be proud of? well i for one don't want my bike or car or what ever getting lost in a parking lots cause it looks just like everyone elses. Black Label Motorcycles gets it's name from  whats known as "black label" bikes, like Honda's, Yamaha's you get the idea. that's not to say we limit our self's to just jap bikes. we will chop/bob/ what ever you want to any kind of bike. between me and my partner in crime we have the tools and knowledge to turn your stock, slow, plane jane bike in to a head turning bad ass bike. and let me tell you it bad ass when your just riding down the road and people in cars and trying to catch up to you to take pics and give ya a big thumbs up. so keep a eye on us and let us know what ya think.

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