Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jons Triumph Chop

So Jon is bat shit crazy and wanted to take this $200 dollar triumph frame and make a bad ass chopper. problem is this bike was made the old school way. a ton of bondo and brass brazing. the fame has seen better days but the BLM crew is working hard turning this chicken shit into chicken soup. we started by chiseling/ grinding all of the bondo off.

it was almost a shame to take this "work of art" apart but we didn't feel safe with it the way it sat. wanted to make sure the rust seen on the seat pan hadn't made its way up the fame and compromised the structure of the bike. well it hadn't done that but their was plenty of it under the tank and a few other places.

here's what we got done on it the first day.

we found lots of problem areas but were working them out. instead of a triumph motor Jon found a XS400 motor for $100 in BFE Texas so we set out to pick it up. the idea is to have a running bike for less then $1000. also ordered some goodies for the bike, since the old tank was hacked to bits we ordered a new tank from lowbrow and some other parts, i happened to have a spair solo seat sitting around so we ordered a biltwell seat hinge and some weld on seat mounts and now that's out of the way.

 ill post updates as they come.

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